Honing the craft. Expanding the mind.

Vocal Articles from New York Vocal Coaching brings you information and tips on singing, performing, auditioning, and more, all from our world-renowned staff in New York City.

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Vocal Health for Working Singers

In this article, New York Vocal Coaching teacher Abby Payne discusses ways for working singers to maintain their vocal health.

How To Practice Singing Part VIII: Breaking Bad Habits Using the Inverse Laws

In Part VIII of the "How To Practice Singing" series, Zac discusses how the laws of making habits can be applied inversely to help us break bad…

Why We Use Vocal Exercises

In this article, Tim Rosser shares the benefits of using vocal exercises for voice training and how singers can use vocal exercises appropriately…

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How to Get a Gig: A Beginner's Guide

Your voice lessons are going great, you sound fantastic and are ready to take things to the next level. What’s the process?

Voice Lessons: Take the Chance! - "Gaining Confidence"

Have you always wondered what it’s like to take a singing lesson? Have your nerves held you back from booking a session?

How to Get a Gig Part II: Finding the Right Venue

In part two of my series on How to Get a Gig, let’s explore the process of finding a perfect venue for you to perform at.

Preparing For Your Best Audition: An Actor’s Checklist

Auditioning. The word strikes fear in every actor, seasoned and amateur alike. However, this doesn't have to be the case!

How To Practice Singing Part V: Make Practice Habits Attractive!

In Part V of the How To Practice Singing series, Zac Bradford uses inspiration from James Clear to explore the idea of making practice habits attractive and irresistible to singers through the principle of temptation bundling.

Singing With Pure EEase

It’s time we had a talk about EE. Though it takes second place in the accepted listing of vowels, we use the EE to form the diphthongs of fourteen letters of our alphabet, making it one of the most...

How to Find Your Key Part II: What is Your Key?

In part II of How to Find Your Key series, Tim Rosser debunks the myth that there is only one "best key" for a singer, and discusses why it's important to own your voice and intentionally choose the right key for your voice.

Singing Is For Everyone Part I: The WHY of Singing

In this article, Andy emphasizes the idea that singing is truly for everyone and highlights his clients' diverse backgrounds and reasons for taking voice lessons.

A Practical Guide to Auditioning: Theatre Actor's Edition Pt. I

Where do you find out about auditions? What auditions should you go to? What should you expect when going to an audition? I will guide you through everything you need to know about auditioning as a theatre actor in 2023 in Part I of this series.