Honing the craft. Expanding the mind.

Vocal Articles from New York Vocal Coaching brings you information and tips on singing, performing, auditioning, and more, all from our world-renowned staff in New York City.

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Vocal Health for Working Singers

In this article, New York Vocal Coaching teacher Abby Payne discusses ways for working singers to maintain their vocal health.

How To Practice Singing Part VIII: Breaking Bad Habits Using the Inverse Laws

In Part VIII of the "How To Practice Singing" series, Zac discusses how the laws of making habits can be applied inversely to help us break bad…

Why We Use Vocal Exercises

In this article, Tim Rosser shares the benefits of using vocal exercises for voice training and how singers can use vocal exercises appropriately…

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How to Get a Gig: A Beginner's Guide

Your voice lessons are going great, you sound fantastic and are ready to take things to the next level. What’s the process?

Podcast Recommendations for Voice Enthusiasts: A Compilation

In this article, Zac Bradford discusses his love for podcasts about singing and voice, and outlines a list of his favorite podcasts based on content and who the content is geared towards.

Ego Reads. Humility breeds.

In my absence from chronicling my thoughts from a music director/coach perspective, I have seen some brilliant performances that have given me pause; performances that made me stop and think, “How is something so...

LaShella Sanders

LaShella Sanders, born and raised in Dallas, TX, is the founder of Ignite Vocal Studio™, a certified voice teacher, an audio engineer, and an independent recording artist. Read more about LaShella here!

National Association of Teachers of Singing Reviews "Sing Like Never Before"

The Official Journal of the National Association of Teachers of Singing, Inc., has published their review of Justin Stoney's award-winning book Sing Like Never Before.

Do Singing Lessons Work?

In this article, NYVC Vocal Coach Tim Rosser talks about how taking singing lessons positively impacted his journey as a singer and gives some words of wisdom to singers who are interested in taking voice lessons.

NYVC Singer Spotlight: Nodar Khurtsosov

In this article, I speak with frontman of the gothic-industrial metal band Fellahin Fall and NYVC student Nodar Khurtsosov about his experience taking voice lessons.

Voice Lessons: Take the Chance! - "Gaining Confidence"

Have you always wondered what it’s like to take a singing lesson? Have your nerves held you back from booking a session?

Virtual Voice Lessons: A Practical Guide

In this article, NYVC Instructor Abby Payne discusses practical ways to elevate virtual voice lessons to the next level, enhancing learning efficiency and flexibility for singers all around the world.